Paul Newman was born 100 years ago
Our camp associaton’s founder, the legendary actor and philanthropist Paul Newman, would be 100 years old.
We provide healing moments and life-changing experiences for children living with a serious or chronic desease.
With the help of your donation, we give strength and courage on our therapeutical programs. Be part of our mission!
Our camp associaton’s founder, the legendary actor and philanthropist Paul Newman, would be 100 years old.
Detti Simon is the new CEO of the Bátor Tábor Foundation
New solar systems, self-produced renewable energy, halving greenhouse gas emissions in 5 years. We believe that sustainability and value creation go hand in hand.
This summer, we are inviting campers to 4 camp sessions. Among these, the Sibling Camp and the International Family Camp promise to be particularly special.
Since 2001 Bátor Tábor, the ‘camp of courage’ is dedicated to provide life-changing experiences to seriously ill children and their families, and also to those families who have suffered the loss of a child. We bring laughter and joy to the hospital beds and through our online programs within the walls of the children’s home with the purpose to give strength and courage in difficult situations through play and fun. On our School Outreach Program, we strenghten the community in the classrooms where a child with illness attends to.
As the therapeutic recreation center of the Central European region, we hold programs in Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czechia. To international sessions in Hungary we welcome campers and volunteers from these countries.
We believe that the sun always shines above the clouds.
We offer all kinds of challenges our campers can take, thus providing them the chance to experience a sense of success and to gain self-confidence.
As the therapeutic recreation center of the Central European region we create life-changing experiences 4 countries: Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and The Czech Republic.
All of our programs are free of charge. Those who are affected can participate in the healing experiences regardless of their financial or social status.
We are a member of the SeriousFun Children’s Network camp association, founded by Paul Newman in 1988.
All of the camps, hospital and online programs are organized with the help of volunteers.
Our own camp site in Hatvan, Hungary can accommodate 246 people
In all our offline and online programs, the physical and mental safety of the participants is our top priority. We provide full medical and nursing care in the camp.
We organise therapeutic recreation programs Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and in Czechia for seriously ill children to give them life-changing experiences.
In the meantime the lives of our volunteers might change too. They become part of a vibrant community where about 100 people from different background work together for the same goal. This make them learn a lot about themselves, about their own boundaries, and just like our campers they realise that they are heroes. This is how we change the world together.
More info about volunteering“There are no problems in Bátor Tábor. And if there are some, we will solve them together, hand in hand. Bátor Tábor is like a family where there is no prejudice or hatred. Bátor Tábor is a miracle!”
“Here I have learned that fear should never lead you, but courage!”
“We can finally be in a place for a few days where no one thinks that we are different, just because we have an ill child. We are able to feel happy for everything.”
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