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Bátor Tábor launches Digital Camp website

We launched in April our Digital home camp, aiming to help children fighting chronical diseases through online. This summer, the program culminates with the launch of a microsite, an online knowledge bank gathering a repertoir of games, ideas based on our therapeutical recreation methodology.

We launched in April our Digital home camp, aiming to help children fighting chronical diseases through online, interactive games to alleviate the mental challenges of increased isolation over the past months. The online camp continued growing in May and opened its gates to broader society through sessions organized for families and adults. This summer, the program culminates with the launch of a microsite, an online knowledge bank gathering a repertoir of games, ideas based on our therapeutical recreation methodology.

„If our brave kids cannot come to our camp, we go to their homes” – sounds the epic insight moving the online camps forward. Bátor Tábor helps near 3000 ill children and their families through camp and hospital programs on a yearly basis. It was obvious for us to rethink and reorganize our activities inmediately to support those children who could not attend spring and summer camps cancelled due to the pandemic.

„Since April we had over 600 participants in our online in Hungary, Slovakia, Czech and Poland. We arranged the sessions on a weekly basis and now we reached a new milestone: with the launch of our website we will be able to help and share our expertise further. Bátor Tábor has been supporting the mental health of ill children and their families for 19 years, these days the psychological burdens we are facing have proven to be heavy for all of us. In response to this, we gather useful games for both children and adults, we show our methodology and share regularly inspirations that can be useful for pedagogical purposes too” – says Julianna Vargyas-Tóth, a Bátor Tábor’s program development expert.

The basis of the site is the camp’s map, where we can wander around virtually and find contents in different topics, a joyful ride for all ages.

Besides this wonderful online journey, the registration stays open for the Digital home camps, where participants can connect and gain fun experiences in their garden, their room or even during their vacation.

The realization of these online programs would have not been possible without the help of our volunteers and donors. We thank the technical development of this platform to IBM and the support of Boston Scientific  and Wiener Städtische Versicherungsverein who played a major role in our international digital camp dreams coming true!