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5 Tips for Mental Health On International Day of Tolerance!

On the occasion of the International Day of Tolerance, our psychologist will provide you five simple but effective tips on how to be more understanding and patient with our own difficulties and how to provide emotional support to others.

Since 1996, the International Day of Tolerance has been celebrated on November 16, initiated by UNESCO. Its main goal is to draw attention to the dangers of intolerance and promote non-violence within the school environment. However, understanding and attention are also greatly needed in our everyday relationships. Dorka Kocsis, a psychologist from the Bátor Tábor Foundation, offers five simple but proven tips on how to be more understanding and patient with our own difficulties and how to provide emotional support to others.

There are many factors that influence how we handle stressful and challenging situations. It’s not just the level of mental stress and our previous experiences that matter, but also our current physical and mental state. Emotional regulation plays a significant role in how we react and how we influence our environment. It enables us to adapt to the world around us by indicating that we can influence and control our emotions. Our feelings, thoughts, and physical sensations are closely interconnected and mutually influence each other. Striving for understanding and sincere communication forms the basis of successful human relationships. However, amidst the hectic demands of everyday life, it can be challenging to remain constantly aware of this. The International Day of Tolerance reminds us to pay closer attention to others and ourselves.

Take care of ourselves!

Taking care of ourselves also plays a significant role in our openness towards others. When we are tired or after a stressful day, even the slightest novelty or obstacle becomes difficult to handle. Shifting perspectives and looking at things from different angles requires considerable mental resources, as our physical condition influences our emotions. Physical and mental rest, whether it is active (releasing tension) or passive (recharging), is an important step towards achieving a more balanced emotional state.

Ask questions boldly!

Ask questions to ourselves and others. Through internal dialogues, we can answer why certain things affect us sensitively and what bothers us. However, it’s better not to understand the other party’s perspective in a one-sided dialogue; involve them in the conversation and establish a connection. Understanding and changing perspectives can help transform stereotypes and ingrained beliefs.

Acquire knowledge!

If something is difficult for us to tolerate, let’s learn about it and gain a better understanding. Whether it’s a phenomenon, external stimulus, or situation, watching movies, reading, or becoming neutral observers in specific situations these can all help. Our thoughts and cognition also influence our emotions.

Engage in conversations!

Engage in conversations with acquaintances and friends who can better help us cope with what is challenging for us to accept. Learn from them, observe or ask them what helps them cope. It’s easier to deal with a situation when there is someone we can look up to as an example. Have conversations with friends with whom we can share our feelings and dilemmas with, allowing our internal struggles to be expressed. Learning about opinions different from our own can broaden our horizons and break free from habitual thinking and emotional processes.

Meet in person!

Maintaining distance and avoiding interactions can protect us from tension, but it may not help change our perspective. A meeting, closer contact, or shared activity can provide an opportunity to seek similarities instead of differences and understand the other person’s viewpoint.

Since 2001, the Bátor Tábor Foundation has provided healing experiences to over 15,000 seriously and chronically ill children and their families. Through the methodology and tools of adventure therapy, they bring the carefree nature of childhood not only to camps but also to the schools and hospitals as well.