5,340 children, teenagers, parents, siblings and classmates, 40,424 therapeutical hours: numbers of another healing year in Bátor Tábor!
In 2023, a total of 5,340 individuals participated in the programs of Bátor Tábor (or our Slovak and Czech foundation, Spolu s Odvahou). Across the camp, classrooms, hospitals, online, or other offline programs not held at the camp, we provided a total of 40,624 therapeutic hours for seriously or chronically ill children, their families, classmates, and families who have lost their children.
Of these more than 5,000 participants, 3,605 took part in programs in Hungary. In Slovakia, 753, in the Czech Republic, 101, and in Poland, we provided courage and soul-healing experiences to 473 individuals through our free therapeutical programs.
Our School Outrech Program has been launched in Slovakia and the Czech Republic as well. Our GO! program also brings the power of play and laughter to the bravest ones next to the hospital beds in Szeged.
Our Breavement Camp turned 10 years old. In this special type of camp, moments of joy and sorrow go hand in hand. In addition to the usual programs, trained grief therapists support families who have lost their children to illness, accidents, or the perinatal period.
Of course, this year we also held all our programs with our volunteers: in 2023, exactly 653 enthusiastic and trained Cimborás – in a total of 4 countries. Their commitment is shown by the fact that on average, each volunteer participated in programs three times in 2023.
But more than the numbers, the children and parents tell us:
Would you like to help provide soul-healing experiences to as many seriously and chronically ill children as possible in 2024? Check out how you can support our work!