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Our Second Sustainability Report Is Ready

New solar systems, self-produced renewable energy, halving greenhouse gas emissions in 5 years. We believe that sustainability and value creation go hand in hand.

For the second time we have produced our Sustainability Report, the result of a collaboration between our Foundation and Planet Fanatics’ Network Ltd. Our aim is to provide an overview of our sustainability goals and achievements to date. The Bátor Tábor Foundation remains committed to achieving climate neutrality by 2030.

We have been working for 23 years to create social value on a non-profit basis. Every year, our programs help more and more children and families who are struggling with serious or chronic illness. In recent years, we have developed new programs, including camps, schools, hospitals and online spaces to support children with illness and their communities. We believe that sustainability goes hand in hand with value creation.

As a leading organisation in Hungarian NGO sector, we focus not only on social sustainability but also on reducing our environmental impact. That is why we committed to protecting the environment in our first Sustainability Report. Climate protection is a key focus of our environmental objectives adopted in 2022: we have set ourselves the ambitious goal of making Bátor Tábor Foundation carbon neutral by 2030.

To this end, we have committed ourselves

We are committed to further reducing our carbon emissions,
To achieve this goal, we will reduce our carbon footprint by 2030,
increasing the energy efficiency of our properties,
improve the operation of our vehicle fleet

Our positive impact on environmental sustainability is already visible in the short term: compared to 2019, we have managed to halve the organisation’s GHG emissions from nearly 40 tonnes CO2e to 18 tonnes CO2e. Meanwhile, our programs – with the new programstructure – reach twice as many children, parents, siblings and classmates as in 2019.

The Foundation’s activities contribute to several of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We are a key contributor to the Health and Wellbeing (SDG 3) and Reducing Inequalities (SDG 10) goals, both improving the mental wellbeing of society and contributing to reducing inequalities. We will promote a culture of giving and volunteering, which will foster social solidarity and redistribution of wealth in our country – without which there is no equality of opportunity.

To achieve the sustainability goals we have set ourselves

In 2023, the children’s shelters and the main building of the camp will be equipped with a new solar system,
and the solar panels in the programme building and the volunteer shelters have been renovated,
From 2022, we will also use our own renewable energy production at our campsite in Hatvan, which covered the energy needs of our Budapest office in 2023,
We are also continuously reviewing our activities to take further steps to make our operations more sustainable.

If you would like to read our second Sustainability Report in Hungarian, please click here.